MZ Investments

Bank of Valletta p.l.c. – New Bond Issue
15 October, 2024

Further to the company announcement issued by Bank of Valletta p.l.c. (“BOV”) on 8 October 2024 announcing a proposed Unsecured Euro Medium Term Bond Programme of up to €250,000,000 (the “Programme”) and a first tranche of Tier 2 bonds under the Programme in the form of an issue of up to €100,000,000 5% unsecured subordinated bonds (2029-2034) (the “Bonds”), BOV has announced that  the Base Prospectus in connection with the Programme (the “Base Prospectus”) and its Application for Authorisation for Admissibility to Listing of the Programme on the Official List of the Malta Stock Exchange has been approved by  the Malta Financial Services Authority.

An amount of €60 million in Bonds will be reserved for subscription by BOV bondholders, shareholders and employees, €25 million will be reserved for subscription by professional clients and eligible counterparties, and the remaining portion of €15 million will be reserved for subscription by the general public as defined in the Final Terms of the Bonds dated 11 October 2024 (the “Final Terms”).

Applications for bonds by retail clients shall be subject to a suitability assessment by the authorised financial intermediary. and subject to a minimum subscription amount of €10,000 and multiples of €100 thereafter. The general public and preferred applicants may apply for the Bonds between and including 22 October 2024 and Tuesday 19 November 2024. The Issuer reserves the right to close the offer of Bonds earlier with respect to any one or more classes of applicants (depending on the total level of subscription in the Bonds).

M.Z. Investment Services Limited is an Authorised Financial Intermediary to this bond issue and will be accepting applications for this offer. For more detailed information kindly click on the ‘Final Terms dated 11 October 2024’ and Base Prospectus dated 11 October 2024.



This advertisement is intended for information purposes  and its contents should not be construed as investment advice or an offer or agreement to buy or sell investments. The value of investments can go down as well as up and past performance is not indicative of  future performance. Investors may get back less than their initial investment. The financial instrument referred to is classified as complex and is subject to BRRD II resolution regime. The Bonds may not be suitable or appropriate for every investor. Retail investors may only subscribe for the Bonds after passing a suitability assessment. Prospective investors are urged to consider all information contained in the Base Prospectus and Final Terms  dated 11 October 2024.

M.Z. Investment Services Limited of 63, MZ House, St Rita Street, Rabat RBT 1523, Malta, is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority and licensed to conduct investment services business in terms of the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370 of the Laws of Malta). 

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