- June 28, 2024
- Posted by: mzinvest
- Category: Financial News
On 2 July 2024, Hal Mann Vella Group p.l.c. (the “Issuer”) published a Prospectus in relation to the issuance of €23 million 5.35% secured bonds redeemable between 2031 and 2034 (the “Secured Bonds”).
Holders of the €30 million 5% secured bonds 2024 (the “Maturing Bonds”) are being given priority to subscribe to the Secured Bonds by surrendering all or part of their respective Maturing Bonds. In this regard, the Issuer has mailed pre-printed application forms to holders of the Maturing Bonds appearing on the bond register as at 25 June 2024.
If you have received a pre-printed application form and wish to participate in this bond issue, you are kindly requested to contact us at your earliest convenience. The offer period closes at 12:00 on 19 July 2024.
This post is intended for information purposes only and its contents should not be construed as an investment advice. The value of investments can go down as well as up and past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. The financial instrument referred to in this post is classified as complex for the purposes of MIFID II, in view of the early redemption component. As a result, the Secured Bonds may not be suitable or appropriate for every investor. Prospective investors are urged to consider all information contained in the Prospectus and consult a financial adviser before making an investment decision.
M.Z. Investment Services Limited of 63, MZ House, St Rita Street, Rabat RBT 1523, Malta, is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority and licensed to conduct investment services business in terms of the Investment Services Act (Cap. 370 of the Laws of Malta). MZ Investments is acting as Sponsor to Hal Mann Vella Group p.l.c. and is also an authorised financial intermediary to this bond issue.