MZ Investments


Responsible and Sustainable Investing

M.Z. Investment Services Limited does not assess Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Factors that may have investment ramifications, and which may have a material impact on the investment’s long-term financial performance. As a result, information on ESG Factors neither form part of the Company’s investment recommendation nor decision-making process. 

Negative and positive screening

M.Z. Investment Services Limited will actively engage with its clients to understand whether they have concerns about specific activities and/or industries in order to maintain such exclusions on an on-going basis. In such cases, MZ Investments undertake – to the extent possible – to screen target entities and or products that promote and provide solutions that are consistent with ESG Factors and shall aim at recommending and/or investing in such products on an on-going basis, in so far as applicable.


MZ Investments will not knowingly invest in entities/advise upon investments in entities involved in the following activities:

– arms manufacturing; 

– manufacture of tobacco; 

– hard spirits; 

– gambling; and 

– genetically modified organisms. 

MZ Investments will assess these types of investments on a case-by-case basis and any potential for indirect exposure is carefully considered and factored into investment selection.

No consideration of sustainability adverse impacts

MZ Investments does not undertake an assessment of the Principal Adverse Impacts (“PAIs”) of its decisions on ESG Factors. PAIs are those impacts arising from a particular decision taken  or investment recommendation made that will eventually have a negative effect on ESG Factors.

Alignment of Remuneration Policy with sustainability investments

In line with MZ Investments Remuneration Policy, no variable remuneration is paid to its employees unless it is determined to be justified following a performance assessment based on quantitative (financial) as well as qualitative (non-financial) criteria.  

Due to this very limited impact on the risk-profile of its clients, as well as the nature of its business, MZ Investments deems that there is no risk of misalignment with the integration of the sustainability risks, if any, in its investment decision making process with respect to its clients/investment recommendations given to its clients.

As such, MZ Investments believe that its existing structures are sufficient to prevent excessive risk taking in respect of sustainability risks, if any.

Complaint Handling

What is a Complaint?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction or concern about a particular issue, situation, products, service or behaviour.  Complaints can arise when expectations are not met, and they often highlight perceived problems or shortcomings that need attention or resolution.

How to file a complaint

In the circumstance where a client may wish to file a complaint the client may inform his/her usual contact at MZ Investments  in person, in writing, by email or by telephone.  Alternatively, the client may file a complaint directly with the Company’s Compliance Officer or through this website  by completing and submitting a complaint form (create link).

The Company’s Compliance Officer will deal with your complaint reasonably and promptly and in accordance with the Company’s complaint handling procedures. Details of the MZ Investments complaint handling procedures are available upon request.

The Company will try to resolve the complaint as quickly as possible and to your complete satisfaction within 15 working days from receipt of the complaint. 

However if MZ Investments  is unable to assist you  further or if you are not satisfied with the manner in which your complaint has been handled by the Company, you  may refer your complaint to: The Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services.  The contact details for the latter are provided below:

Office of the Arbiter for Financial Services

First Floor,

Pjazza San Kalċidonju,

Floriana FRN 1530, Malta.

Further information may be obtained through the official website: and/or freephone (local calls): 8007 2366 and telephone: (+356) 2124 9245.

Schedule of Fees

The Company’s latest Schedule of Fees can be viewed here.

RTS 28 Reports

Annual public disclosure of Execution Venues as required by MiFID II may be downloaded from the below links:

Terms of Business

The Company’s latest Terms of Business can be viewed here.

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